Immortal Empire

This story is about an empire growing over time.
You will advise the kings and queens who rule it.
This book's story sounds interesting. You become a god then watch over the small town of Edin's history and speak to them in this town in your dreams.
You are god, so Edin's people follow your advice and create the empire for a long time.
At the beginning of time, Edin's population is a few people, but many years later, there are more people and make the empire. The empire is growing bigger and bigger, various accidents happen.
The empire's destiny depends on your judgements!

Benevides, M. (2015). Immortal Empire. Florida and Tokyo: Atama-ii Books


  1. This book's story is sounds interesting.

    follow your advise
    follow your advice

    happens various accidents
    various accidents happen

    book reviws
    book reviews




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